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ADF-Winnemucca Awareness Campaign #1


Age- and Dementia-Friendly Winnemucca endeavors to meet the needs of all residents of Winnemucca and Humboldt County. After 10 years of effort, we are realizing the enormous scope of safeguarding the lives and livelihood of everyone - but I promise that we are trying. In this blog I'll work to keep you up to date on the latest events and actions. Your input and responses are vital to making out community #1 in Nevada and beyond.

As a longtime member of the State Task Force on Alzheimer's Disease (and recently added) and Other Dementias (TFAD), I have worked to be certain that our rural voice is heard. This is not always easy as the majority of members come from metropolitan areas, but I try. We have created 17 Recommendations for Governor Lombardo and members of Nevada Legislature. We have no "power" but we do have insight and ideas. You can access this document by going to Nevada TFAD and then scrolling to the right where you will spot "Nevada State Plan...2023-2024". Today's blog is to provide you with a connection to the plan, then the next 17 will address each of the recommendations. TFAD meets every other month - let your voice join us.

FYI: Alzheimer's Disease falls under the umbrella of Dementia and makes up approximately 70% of all dementias. There are over 100 types of dementia; these include cardiovascular, Lewy Body, frontotemporal, mixed dementia, and Huntington's.

Facts according to 2022 Alzheimer's Disease Facts and Figures:

  • 6.5 million people in the US live with dementia

  • the prevalence will increase to 12.7 million by 2050

  • 1 in 9 people over 65 live with dementia

  • 16.6% of people over 65 live with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) which may be a precursor to dementia

  • In Nevada, 49,000 people live with dementia (2020)

  • By 2025, projected figures 64,000 people will live with dementia

  • Nevada has the 3rd fastest rate of growth on dementia in the US

These facts indicate that planning and action are essential to stemming the expansion of dementia. Early detection is very important. Even though the diagnosis is painful, cognitive decline may be due to many other things such as stress and depression. A correct diagnosis via a gerontologist or neurologist means a chance to plan, to take advantage of clinical trials, to attend to future plans, and to self-educate on upcoming potentialities. Joining an early stage support group helps alleviate feelings of being alone and isolated.

Contact me for more information.


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© 2020 Age & Dementia Friendly of Winnemucca

For additional information, please contact Gini Cunningham -

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