TFAD Recommendation #3
Cultural Competence
I must add that these summaries are my interpretation and some of my own reflections on the recommendation. You can read the full text on line at: Nevada Task Force on Alzheimer’s Disease and in the bottom right-hand corner you’ll see the Recommendations 2023-2024. Click and voila!!
Cultural competence helps ensure equitable processes and outcomes. Advocates who engage in non-stigmatizing, cultural competence training find an emphasis on cultural humility, consistent with self-reflection and assessment of equitable behavior. Specific activities might include:
· Promoting implicit bias testing
· Promoting listening sessions
· Promoting development and use of culturally-competent toolkits to support and offer outreach and awareness campaigns
· Employing “Choice Point Thinking” that requires deliberate consideration of impacts on marginalized communities
Activities should align with person- and relationship-centered care that customizes outreach approaches to address multicultural populations, differences in abilities, generation, ethnicity/race, and sexual orientation/gender identity. Adopting this approach has shown to be effective in an increase in the person’s receptiveness to outreach efforts to improve the quality of care and minimize health disparities.
While I understand that I must recognize and work to understand other cultures so that I best meet the needs of others, can I address humility? This includes self-effacement, which I get, but can I be genuine when I am really unaware of another’s wants and needs. I can listen, learn, offer input, and support but wow!! Humility is hard in that it is such a deeply, personal stance. A person can explain and describe but there is the chance that all of this is beyond my world of recognition.